Press Attention

I gave interviews to various science writers and news agencies about my research and filming activities.

  1. AlJazeera (2024) Beware the criminalisation of environmental protest in Australia [by Nick Rodway] – PDF
  2. Lafeber (2024) Global Parrot Conservation Spotlight: New Parrot DNA Database to Track Illegal TradingPDF
  3. ABC News (2024) Canberra scientists using DNA to fight trafficked parrot trade [by Kate Midena & Alice Matthews] – PDF
  4. ANU Reporter (2024) Free as a bird: how forensic genomics is helping to stop wildlife trafficking [by Tabitha Carvan] – PDF
  5. Voz de America (2024) Una base de datos de ADN ayudará a luchar contra el tráfico ilegal de vida silvestrePDF
  6. SCIMEX (2024) Breaking the chains: dismantling the illegal parrot tradePDF
  7. The Canberra Times (2024) Aussie scientists taking down the international illegal parrot trade [by Emily Anderson] – PDF
  8. ANU Reporter (2024) New data confirms swift parrot population fearsPDF
  9. Forbes (2024) Traits That Predict Increased Extinction Risk For Australian Birds [by GrrlScientist] – PDF
  10. ANU Reporter (2024) Australia’s most at-risk bird species share some common traitsPDF
  11. ANU Reporter (2023) Canberra’s superb parrots caught up in housing crisisPDF
  12. (2022) Nincs több papagájfélreértés, elkészült az összes faj magyar nevének hivatalos jegyzéke / The official list of the Hungarian names of all parrot species has been completed [by Bence Horváth] – PDF magyarul | PDF in English
  13. (2022) Világszerte veszélyben vannak a papagájok / The worldwide decline of parrots [by Bence Horváth] – PDF magyarul | PDF in English
  14. Mongabay (2021) CSI, but for parrots: Study applies criminological tool CRAAVED to wildlife trade [by Grace Dungey and Nick Rodway] – PDF
  15. The Australian National University (2021) Parrot poachers striking while the market’s hotPDF
  16. Mongabay (2021) Australia’s pivot to plantations may be too late for nearly extinct parrots [by Nick Rodway] – PDF
  17. HVG (2021) „Az emberek gyönyörű esőerdőt akarnak inkább látni, nem azt, hogy vágják ki éppen” [by Emese Dobos] – PDF
  18. Mongabay (2021) Current protected areas not enough to save parrots from extinction: Study [by Liz Kimbrough] – PDF
  19. SDP Noticias (2021) Los loros están al borde de la extinción, advierten [by Fabián Vázquez] – PDF
  20. ZME Science (2021) Parrots are facing extinction, and only policymakers can save them [by Alexandru Micu] – PDF
  21. ANU Reporter (2021) Parrots pushed to extinction, despite protection policiesPDF
  22. The Guardian (2020) Study finds only 300 swift parrots could remain as Tasmanian court challenge heardPDF
  23. Australian Geographic (2020) Less than 300 swift parrots remain in the wild [by Angela Heathcote] – PDF
  24. SciTechDaily (2020) Swift Action Needed to Save Critically Endangered Tasmanian ParrotPDF
  25. The Tasmanian Greens (2020) Media statements: Swift Parrot Report Confirms Urgent Need to Protect HabitatPDF | Gutwein Must Step in and Save Swift ParrotPDF | Swift Parrot – Decline in Numbers – Logging of HabitatPDF [by Rosalie Woodruff MP]
  26. The Australian (2020) ‘Shocking’ parrot count demands swift response [by Matthew Denholm] – PDF
  27. The Sydney Morning Herald (2020) Swift parrot numbers freefall as Bob Brown launches anti-logging case [by Nick O’Malley] – PDF
  28. The Canberra Times (2020) ‘Heading towards extinction’: ANU swift parrot genetic study predicts population fewer than 300 [by Adam Holmes] – PDF
  29. ANU Reporter (2020) Swift action needed to help critically endangered parrot [by Jessica Fagan] – PDF
  30. The Guardian (2020) Federal government considers lifting ban on importing parrots 25 years after it was introduced [by Lisa Cox] – PDF
  31. Global Forest Watch (2019) Macaws, Movies and a Legacy of Environmental Protection: Q&A with Dr. George Olah [by Sarah Ruiz]
    I was interviewed by Global Forest Watch in Washington, DC, about the science and filming behind our Macaw Kingdom documentary we produced in the Peruvian Amazon. The interview was published in two blog posts:
    A. First part about the filmingPDF
    B. Second part about conservation researchPDF
  32. Global Forest Watch (2019) Five Creative Projects Using GFW to Protect Forests [by Sarah Ruiz] – PDF
    Our research documentary was featured as one of the projects that used GFW data.
  33. Conservation Jobs (2019) Genetics Guide Conservation [by Alex Taylor] – PDF
  34. Science Daily (2019) Genetic history of endangered Australian songbird could inspire an encorePDF
  35. (2019) Genetic history of endangered Australian songbird could inspire an encorePDF
  36. (2019) Genetic history of endangered Australian songbird could inspire an encorePDF
  37. Lajtár Lili Blog (2019) Papagájok végveszélyben / Parrots in peril [by Lili Lajtár] – PDF
    I was interviewed by a 16-year old nature enthusiast and conservationist in Budapest, Hungary.
  38. Parrots Magazine (2019) People helping parrots: George Olah [by Rosemary Low]
  39. Business Insiders (2018) Male parrots from an endangered monogamous species are running out of mates, so now they’re hitting up breeding females for sex [by Simon Thomsen]
  40. ABC News (2018) Endangered swift parrots pushed into tragic love triangles by sugar gliders [by Anna Salleh and Felicity Ogilvie] – PDF
  41. The Guardian (2018) Swift parrot polyamory a new threat to critically endangered species’ survival [by Calla Wahlquist] – PDF
  42. EurekAlert (2018) Study counts the high cost of infidelity for swift parrotsPDF
  43. Tek Crispy (2018) Estudio revela el alto costo de la infidelidad para los periquitos migradores [por Mary Quintero] – PDF
  44. Science Daily (2018) High cost of infidelity for swift parrotsPDF
  45. (2018) Study counts the high cost of infidelity for swift parrotsPDF
  46. The Atlantic (2018) The Jaguar Is Made for the Age of Humans [by Nadia Drake] – PDF
    A story about our face-to-face encounter with a jaguar during a research expedition to the remotest part of the Peruvian Amazon. Nadia Drake is a science journalist of National Geographic, who joined us for this expedition.
  47. The Archaeology News Network (2018) Swift Parrots Bred on Predator-free Islands at Risk of ExtinctionPDF
  48. BreitBart (2018) Nomadic population of swift parrots at risk of extinction, research showsPDF
  49. (2018) Swift parrots bred on predator-free islands at risk of extinctionPDF
  50. UPI (2018) Nomadic population of swift parrots at risk of extinction [by Brooks Hays] – PDF
  51. Mongabay (2016) Exceptional beauty, exceptional risk: New study reveals extinction dangers for parrots [by Meghan Gilbert] – PDF
  52. Takepart (2016) A Third of Parrot Species Face Extinction [by John R. Platt]
    John R. Platt covers the environment, wildlife, and technology and for TakePart, Scientific American, Audubon, and other publications. This time he interviewed one of my co-authors, Stuart Butchart (head of science for BirdLife International), from our study about extinction risk in parrots.
  53. Sinc (2016) Un 28% de las especies de loros, en estado crítico de conservaciónPDF
  54. (2016) Australian parrots need more protectionPDF
  55. The Australian National University (2016) Australian parrots need more protection [by Kate Prestt] – PDF
  56. Freshpreneur (2014) Interview about The Macaw Project crowdfunding campaign [by Justin Rogers]
  57. The Australian National University (2014) Using artificial nests to assist and study Macaw Parrots in lowland PeruPDF
  58. Mongabay (2014) Feather forensics: scientist uses genes to track macaws, aid bird conservation [by Elizabeth Devitt] – PDF
    An interview about my PhD research in Peru.
  59. Díszmadár Magazin (2010) Magyar zoológus a papagájok nyomában / Hungarian zoologist in the quest for parrots [by Krisztina Bordás]


  • Ebro FM, Spain | Hablemos de agua | Host: Pilar Sopeséns | 26 Sep 2024
    CSI de los loros: Combinando la ciencia forense y conservación para estudiar el comercio de fauna silvestre
  • Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC) Radio Illawarra | Illawarra Mornings | Host: Nick Rheinberger | 23 Apr 2024
    Breaking the chains: dismantling the illegal parrot trade using DNA
  • Kossuth Rádió | Az Este | Házigazda: Czigány Ildikó | 05 Sep 2023
    Egy zoológus élményei és eredményei egzotikus helyszíneken
  • Kossuth Rádió | Közelről | Házigazda: Kránitz Balázs | 16 Aug 2018
    Illegális madárkereskedelem Indonéziában
  • Klubrádió | Állatbarát | Házigazda: Lay Viktória | 24 Jun 2018
    Kutató expedíción Amazóniában
  • Kossuth Rádió | Közelről | Házigazda: Kránitz Balázs | 13 Jun 2018
    Expedíciós élmények a Perui Amazóniában
  • Kossuth Rádió | Közelről | Házigazda: Nagy Nóra | 09 Mar 2016
    Magyar zoológiai és filmes expedíció a Perui Amazóniában

TV / Video Appearances

I gave interviews to TV and YouTube channels in Hungary about my research and expeditions.

Australian Geographic
Parrot DNA database (2024)
I was interviewed by Australian Geographic about my research on the illegal parrot trade for their Science video series.

UNIVET – YouTube channel of the University of Veterinary Medicine, Budapest
Research Zoologist degree – A zoologist’s answers to applicants
The University of Veterinary Medicine of Hungary announced the launch of its new Research Zoology degree, consisting of undivided 10 semesters in English-language and state-funded, starting in the 2023 academic year. I was talking about my experiences in this video report:

M1 [Hungarian National TV] – Programme: Kék Bolygó [Blue Planet]
Wildlife trade and COVID-19 (2020)
Report with zoos and scientists about the consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic on the illegal wildlife trade worldwide. I talked about the conservation work to fight against the illegal parrot trade in Indonesia. Watch the short report in Hungarian with English subtitles:

M1 [Hungarian National TV] – Programme: Kék Bolygó [Blue Planet]
Forest fires in the Amazon rainforest (2019)
I was interviewed, among other scientists and NGOs, about the unusually large forest fires worldwide and their effect to the Amazon. The rainforest footage was provided by our NGO, Wildlife Messengers. Watch the short report in Hungarian with English subtitles:

M1 [Hungarian National TV] – Programme: Kék Bolygó [Blue Planet]
The Indonesian expedition (2018)
Interview with Cintia Garai and me about our non-profit organisation, Wildlife Messengers, producing films for conservation. In the programme we also talk about our recent award-winning movie, The Macaw Kingdom, and about a new documentary we were filming about the Indonesian Parrot Project.

M5 [Hungarian National TV] – Programme: Mindenki Akademiája [Everyone’s Academy]
Using genetic techniques for parrot research in the Peruvian Amazon (2017)
I gave a lecture and report about my PhD study in Peru.

M1 [Hungarian National TV] – Programme: Minden Tudás [Omniscience]
Landscape genetics in the Peruvian Amazon (2017)
A report about our landscape genetics studies and their implications to conservation.

Ozone Network [Hungarian Commercial TV] – Programme: Egyenlítő [Equator]
The Candamo expedition (2016)
A one-hour interview about our research expedition in Peruvian Amazon. In the programme also participated my colleagues: Attila Dávid Molnár wildlife filmmaker and Linda Alpern designer.

M1 [Hungarian National TV] – Programme: Kék Bolygó [Blue Planet]
The Candamo expedition (2016)
I was interviewed about the scientific expedition I led to the Candamo valley in the south-eastern Peruvian Amazon.

Interview in the Budapest Zoo (2017)
Oláh György zoológus, aki az elmúlt években a déli félteke számos országában dolgozott a papagájok terepi kutatójaként, nemrégiben előadást tartott Állatkertben a terepen folytatott kutatásainak eredményeiről. Ebben a kisfilmben a fiatal, de máris komoly eredményeket felmutató kutató a Fővárosi Állat- és Növénykert papagájokkal kapcsolatos szakmai munkáját méltatja. Intézményünk már a megnyitás évében is foglalkozott papagájokkal. Az elmúlt években is számos érdekes fajt mutattunk be, részt vettünk a természetvédelmi erőfeszítésekben és sikerrel szaporítottunk több ritka papagájfajt.

Candamo Expedition (2016)
We made a research and filming expedition to Candamo, an extremely remote inter-montane valley in the Peruvian Amazon. Watch below our short video as the first recap of our trip:

Presentations and Invited Lectures

Keynote Address

Conference Presentations

  • Veterinary Medicine Outside your Comfort Zone, Budapest Zoo, Budapest, Hungary | Olah G, Hoppes S, Vigo-Trauco G, Brightsmith D: Veterinary aspects of macaw research in the Peruvian Amazon | pp 49–50, ISBN 978-615-5392-32-0 | 14–15 Apr 2023
  • ISBA9: IX. International Symposium on Biomolecular Archaeology, Toulouse, France | Bover P, Llamas B, Heiniger H, Olah G, Segura R, Shimada I: Ancient DNA analysis of feathers from funerary bundles at the pre-Hispanic religious center of Pachacamac (Peru) | 1–4 Jun 2021
  • Biodiversity and Conservation in the Tambopata National Reserve, Peru (virtual conference of SERNANP) | Olah G: Population genetics of large macaws in Tambopata-Candamo with conservation implications | 02–04 Sep 2020
  • Virtual conference of the Science Foundation for the Study and Conservation of Biodiversity, Tegucigalpa, Honduras |Vergara-Tabares D, Cordier J, Landi M, Olah G, Nori J: Global trends in environmental degradation and loss: Consequences for parrot conservation | 12 Aug 2020
  • X. Neotropical Ornithological Congress, Manaus, Brazil | Brightsmith D & Olah G: Ecological and socio-economic factors affecting extinction risk in parrots | 15 Jul 2015
  • XXVI. International Ornithological Congress, Tokyo, Japan | Heinsohn R & Olah G: Ecological and socio-economic correlates of conservation status in parrots (Psittaciformes) | 18–24 Aug 2014
  • XVII. Congress of the Mesoamerican Society for the Biology and Conservation & IX. Mesoamerican Symposium of the Conservation of Psittaciformes, Habana, Cuba | Olah G, Vigo G, Brightsmith D: Estimating reproductive success in large psittacines: Monitoring nests vs. counts of family groups | 16–20 Sep 2013
  • XVI. Congress of the Mesoamerican Society for the Biology and Conservation & VIII. Mesoamerican Symposium of the Conservation of Psittaciformes, Panama City, Panama | Olah G, Vigo G, Heinsohn R, Brightsmith D: Conservation of Scarlet Macaw in southeastern Peru: Use of artificial nests and a new genetic method | 17–20 Sep 2012
  • IX. Neotropical Ornithology Congress, Cusco, Peru | Olah G, Vigo G, Brightsmith D: Nest use preference of Scarlet Macaw in south-eastern Peru | 08–14 Nov 2011
  • IX. Neotropical Ornithology Congress, Cusco, Peru | Olah G, Poje B, Brightsmith D: Tramp design for catching macaws in their artificial nests (poster) | 08–14 Nov 2011
  • XVI. Semmelweis Symposium & VI. Conference on Cell Analysis: Molecular Gastroenterology, Cell Analysis, Array Technology, Budapest, Hungary | Olah G, Munkacsy G, Szallasi Z, Gyorffy B: The use and calibration of the electric sensing zone method for measuring cell number and cell viability (poster) | 15–17 Nov 2007
  • XVI. Semmelweis Symposium & VI. Conference on Cell Analysis: Molecular Gastroenterology, Cell Analysis, Array Technology, Budapest, Hungary | Munkacsy G, Olah G, Gyorffy A, Gyorffy B: Comparing tissue preserving methods obtaining the optimal RNS content | 15–17 Nov 2007
  • XXVIII. National Scientific Conference for Students (Biology Section), Debrecen, Hungary | Olah G & Rozsa L: Avian adaptations to detect polluted drinking water | 04–06 Apr 2007
  • X. National Environmental Scientific Conference for Students (Water Ecology Section), Eger, Hungary | Olah G & Rozsa L: How birds have adapted to detect polluted drinking water? | 10–12 Apr 2006
  • Scientific Conference for Students of the University of Veterinary Medicine, Budapest, Hungary | Olah G & Rozsa L: Is UV vision relevant to the drinking water preference in birds? | 23 Nov 2005

Workshops, Courses, and Roundtable Meetings

  • Swift Parrot Ex Situ Design Workshop by the Conservation Planning Specialist Group, SSC, IUCN in Melbourne, Australia | Olah GMolecular genetic analysis of Swift Parrots (wild and captive) | 6–8 Nov 2024
  • Project planning meetings with the National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN) in Bogor, Indonesia | 2–3 May 2024
  • Updating the Strategic Research Promotion Plan of the Tambopata National Reserve and the Bahuaja-Sonene National Park, Peru | 8 Nov 2022
  • Socialization Meeting of the Research Plan of the Tambopata National Reserve and the Bahuaja-Sonene National Park, Peru | 2 Mar 2022
  • National System of Conservation Areas of Costa Rica virtual meeting: Hybridization of species of the genus Ara in Costa Rica | Olah G: Introgression and conservation genetics | 3 Mar 2021
  • Wildlife Conservation Society Peru virtual course to the National Police of Peru about technologies in wildlife research, Lima, Peru | Olah G: Molecular techniques in wildlife forensics | Nov 2020
  • Natura Mexicana workshop about the reintroduction of Scarlet Macaws to Alto Usumacinta, Mexico City, Mexico | Olah G: Conservation genetics of macaws | 16 Oct 2018
  • Museum genomics in practice workshop, Centre for Biodiversity Analysis, ANU, Canberra, Australia | Aitken N & Olah G: Genotyping-by-Sequencing; GBS, capture-RAD and epi-GBS | 04–06 Apr 2017
  • Rufford Small Grantees Regional Workshop, Copacabana, Bolivia | Olah G: Development of novel genetic techniques for conservation studies of large macaws | 19–21 Jan 2013

Invited Lectures

  • Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta, Indonesia | The role of conservation genetics in the study of parrot conservation | 25 Oct 2024
  • The Parrot Club, CT, USA | CSI of parrots: Combining forensics and conservation to study and stop the illegal wildlife trade | 22 Sep 2024
  • Research Institute in Environmental Sciences of Aragon (IUCA), University of Zaragoza, Spain | CSI de los loros: Combinando la ciencia forense y conservación para estudiar el comercio de fauna silvestre | 16 Sep 2024 | PDF flyer
  • Mercer University, Macon, GA, USA | Genetic methods in the study of parrot conservation and the role of outreach | 15 Feb 2023
  • Schubot Center for Avian Health, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX, USA | Advancing genetic methods in the study of parrot conservation and trade | 24 Jan 2023
  • University of Cyprus, Cyprus | Multidisciplinary approach to macaw research in the Peruvian Amazon | 29 Sep 2021
  • Long Island Parrot Society, NY, USA | Genetics and films for conservation in Peru | 16 Jun 2021
  • The Parrot Club, CT, USA | Behind the scenes of The Macaw Kingdom | 17 Jan 2021
  • University of Veterinary Medicine, Budapest, Hungary | Ecology and Conservation: Global threats to biodiversity | 09 Nov 2020
  • The University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia | The power of media in wildlife conservation (virtual lecture) | 26 Oct 2020
  • Seattle Parrot Expo, Virtual Vision 2020, Seattle, WA, USA | The greatest threats to parrots + Films for wildlife conservation | 26 Sep–03 Oct 2020
  • Őrség National Park, Kőszeg, Hungary | The hidden treasures of the jungle – Adventures of a zoologist in Amazonia | 25 Feb 2020
  • Global Forest Watch & World Resources Institute, Washington, DC, USA | Science and filming behind The Macaw Kingdom documentary | 16 Aug 2019
  • Czirma Gyula Primary School, Budapest, Hungary | Research trips in Latin America | 26 Mar 2019
  • Wildlife and Fisheries Sciences, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX, USA | Status of parrots and genetic tools for their conservation | 15 Nov 2018
  • Seattle Parrot Expo, The Rainforest Returns Fundraising Event, Seattle, WA, USA | Status of parrots and tools for their conservation | 13–14 Oct 2018
  • University of Veterinary Medicine, Budapest, Hungary | Macaw studies in the Peruvian Amazon (lecture to MSc students) | 10 Oct 2018
  • University of Veterinary Medicine, Budapest, Hungary | Biogeography research in Peru (lectures to BSc students) | 10 and 14 Sep 2018
  • New Mexico State University, New Mexico, USA | The Macaw Project: Biologists, ecotourists and local communities for the Amazonian Rainforests + Ecology and population genetics of two large macaw species in the Peruvian Amazon | 12 Sep 2016
  • The Australian National University, Canberra, Australia | Ecology and population genetics of two large macaw species in the Peruvian Amazon | 19 Nov 2015 | PDF flyer
  • Canberra Ornithologists Group, Canberra, Australia | Conservation and genetics of Scarlet Macaws in the Peruvian Amazon | 12 Nov 2014
  • Peruvian National Service of Protected Areas (SERNANP), Puerto Maldonado, Peru | Macaw research in the Tambopata Research Center and management plan for clay lick cleaning | 04 Jun 2013
  • Budapest Zoo, Budapest, Hungary | Searching for macaws in the Peruvian Amazon | 12 Dec 2012
  • Natural History Museum of Peru Lima, Peru | Development of novel genetic techniques for conservation studies of large macaws | 02 Feb 2012
  • Schubot Center for Avian Health, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX, USA | Development of novel genetic techniques for conservation studies of large macaws | 07 Jun 2011
  • Canberra Ornithologists Group, Canberra, Australia | The Tambopata Macaw Project | 8 Sep 2010