Peer-reviewed Papers

  1. Olah G*, Waples R, Stojanovic D* (2024)
    Influence of molecular marker type on estimating effective population size and other genetic parameters in a critically endangered parrot.
    Ecology and Evolution 14(3):e11102. doi:10.1002/ece3.11102
    Full text | PDF | Supplementary | Data | Press release | Media coverage
  1. Olah G, Heinsohn R, Berryman AJ, Legge SM, Radford J, Garnett ST (2024)
    Biological characteristics of Australian threatened birds.
    Emu – Austral Ornithology 124(1):83–92. doi:10.1080/01584197.2023.2285821
    Invited to the special issue Threats to Australian Birds.
    Full text | PDF | Supplementary
  1. Berryman AJ, Butchart SHM, Jackson MV, Legge SM, Olah G, Thomas J, Woinarski JCZ, Garnett ST (2024)
    Trends and patterns in the extinction risk of Australia’s birds over three decades.
    Emu – Austral Ornithology 124(1):55–67. doi:10.1080/01584197.2023.2289999
    Invited to the special issue Threats to Australian Birds.
    Full text | PDF | Supplementary
  1. Stojanovic D, McLennan E, Olah G, Cobden ML, Heinsohn R, Manning A, Alves F, Hogg C, Rayner L (2023)
    Reproductive skew in a Vulnerable bird favors breeders that monopolize nest cavities.
    Animal Conservation 26(5):675–683. doi:10.1111/acv.12855
    Full text | PDF
  1. Olah G & Bankovics A (2022)
    Hungarian nomenclature of parrots (Psittaciformes).
    Állattani Közlemények [Zoological Bulletins of Hungary] 107(1–2):109–174. doi:10.20331/AllKoz.2022.107.1-2.5
    PDF in English | PDF magyarul | Online database
  1. Pires SF* & Olah G* (2022)
    [Editorial] Wildlife Crime: Issues and Promising Solutions.
    Animals 12(14):1736. doi:10.3390/ani12141736
    Full-text | PDF
  1. Petrossian GA, Pires SF, Sosnowski M, Venu P, Olah G (2022)
    Threats of longline fishing to global albatross diversity.
    Animals 12(7):887. doi:10.3390/ani12070887
    Full-text | PDF
  1. Olah G, Smith BT, Joseph L, Banks SC, Heinsohn R (2021)
    [Review] Advancing genetic methods in the study of parrot biology and conservation.
    Diversity 13(11):521. doi:10.3390/d13110521
    Invited to the special issue “Ecology and Conservation of Parrots in Their Native and Non-Native Ranges”.
    Full-text | PDF
  1. Nandika D*, Agustina D*, Heinsohn R, Olah G (2021)
    Wildlife trade influencing natural parrot populations on a biodiverse Indonesian island.
    Diversity 13(10):483. doi:10.3390/d13100483
    Full-text | PDF
  1. Pires SF*, Olah G*, Nandika D, Agustina D, Heinsohn R (2021)
    What drives the illegal parrot trade? Applying a criminological model to market and seizure data in Indonesia.
    Biological Conservation 257:109098. doi:10.1016/j.biocon.2021.109098
    PDF | Supplementary | Video abstract doi:10.5446/53593
  1. Olah G*, Stojanovic D*, Webb M, Waples R, Heinsohn R (2021)
    Comparison of three techniques for genetic estimation of effective population size in a critically endangered parrot.
    Animal Conservation 24:491–498. doi:10.1111/ACV.12655
    Full-text | PDF | Press release | Media coverage | Video abstract doi:10.5446/51668
  1. Vergara-Tabares D, Cordier J, Landi M, Olah G, Nori J (2020)
    Global trends of habitat destruction and consequences for parrot conservation.
    Global Change Biology 26(8):4251–4262. doi:10.1111/gcb.15135
    Full-text | PDF | Supplementary | Press release | Media coverage
  1. Crates R*, Olah G*, Adamski M, Aitken N, Banks S, Ingwersen D, Ranjard L, Rayner L, Stojanovic D, Suchan T, Takach-Dukai B, Heinsohn R (2019)
    Genomic impact of severe population decline in a nomadic songbird.
    PLOS ONE 14(10):e0223953. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0223953
    PDF | Supplementary
  1. Heinsohn RG, Olah G, Webb M, Peakall R, Stojanovic D (2019)
    Sex ratio bias and shared paternity reduce individual fitness and population viability in a critically endangered parrot.
    Journal of Animal Ecology 88(4):502–510. doi:10.1111/1365-2656.12922
    This paper has been selected to be the subject of the In Focus and cover image for the April 2019 issue.
  1. Stojanovic D*, Olah G*, Webb M, Peakall R, Heinsohn R (2018)
    Genetic evidence confirms severe extinction risk for critically endangered swift parrots: implications for conservation management.
    Animal Conservation 21(4):313–323. doi:10.1111/acv.12394
    PDF | Supplementary | Video abstract doi:10.5446/47522
  1. Olah G, Theuerkauf J, Legault A, Gula R, Stein J, Butchart S, O’Brien M, Heinsohn R (2018)
    Parrots of Oceania – A comparative study of extinction risk.
    Emu – Austral Ornithology 118(1):94–112. doi:10.1080/01584197.2017.1410066
    Invited paper for the special issue on parrots. The publisher identified this paper as the most ‘talked about’ article in terms of altmetrics, in April 2018.
    PDF | Video abstract doi:10.5446/48649
  1. Olah G, Smith AL, Asner GP, Brightsmith DJ, Heinsohn RG, Peakall R (2017)
    Exploring dispersal barriers using landscape genetic resistance modelling in scarlet macaws of the Peruvian Amazon.
    Landscape Ecology 32(2):445–456. doi:10.1007/s10980-016-0457-8
    Full-text | PDF | Supplementary | Video abstract doi:10.5446/32196
  1. Olah G, Heinsohn RG, Brightsmith DJ, Peakall R (2017)
    The application of non-invasive genetic tagging reveals new insights into the clay lick use by macaws in the Peruvian Amazon.
    Conservation Genetics 18(5):1037–1046. doi:10.1007/s10592-017-0954-6
    Full-text | PDF | Supplementary | Video abstract doi:10.5446/32193
  1. Olah G, Heinsohn RG, Brightsmith DJ, Espinoza JR, Peakall R (2016)
    Validation of non-invasive genetic tagging in two large macaw species (Ara macao and A. chloropterus) of the Peruvian Amazon.
    Conservation Genetics Resources 8(4):499–509. doi:10.1007/s12686-016-0573-4
    Full-text | PDF | Supplementary
  1. Olah G, Butchart SHM, Symes A, Guzmán IM, Cunningham R, Brightsmith DJ, Heinsohn R (2016)
    Ecological and socio-economic factors affecting extinction risk in parrots.
    Biodiversity and Conservation 25(2):205–223. doi:10.1007/s10531-015-1036-z
    Top 1% cited paper in the field of Environment/Ecology.
    Full-text | PDF | Supplementary 1 | Supplementary 2 | Video abstract doi:10.5446/47153
  1. Olah G, Heinsohn RG, Espinoza JR, Brightsmith DJ, Peakall R (2015)
    An evaluation of primers for microsatellite markers in Scarlet Macaw (Ara macao) and their performance in a Peruvian wild population.
    Conservation Genetics Resources 7(1):157–159. doi:10.1007/s12686-014-0317-2
    Full-text | PDF | Supplementary
  1. Olah G, Vigo G, Heinsohn R, Brightsmith DJ (2014)
    Nest site selection and efficacy of artificial nests for breeding success of Scarlet Macaws Ara macao macao in lowland Peru.
    Journal for Nature Conservation 22(2):176–185. doi:10.1016/j.jnc.2013.11.003
  1. Olah G, Vigo G, Ortiz L, Rozsa L, Brightsmith DJ (2013)
    Philornis sp. bot fly larvae in free living scarlet macaw nestlings and a new technique for their extraction.
    Veterinary Parasitology 196(1-2):245–249. doi:10.1016/j.vetpar.2012.12.052
  1. Olah G and Rozsa L (2006)
    Nitrogen metabolic wastes do not influence drinking water preference in feral pigeons.
    Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 52(4):401–406.
    Abstract | PDF

* shared first-authorship

Book Chapters

  1. Tella JL, Blanco G, and Carrete M (Eds.) (2022) Ecology and Conservation of Parrots in Their Native and Non-Native Ranges. MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. 442 pages. ISBN 978-3-0365-5009-1. 
    doi:10.3390/books978-3-0365-5010-7 | PDF

Protocols and Datasets

  1. Olah G (2021) DNA extraction from feathers. | PDF
  2. Pires SF, Olah G, and Nandika D (2021) Illegal parrot trade in Indonesia
  3. Olah G, Suchan T, and Aitken N (2018) hyRAD for birds.  |  PDF
  4. Olah G (2019) Genomic impact of severe population decline in a nomadic songbird.
    European Variation Archive (EVA) project number: PRJEB33704. EVA analyses number: ERZ1030386.
  5. Olah G, Crates R, Aitken N, Adamski M, Heinsohn R (2019) Whole genome sequence scaffold assembly of Regent Honeyeater Anthochaera phrygia. NCBI accession number: VJPA00000000
  6. Olah G (2019) Anthochaera phrygia Genome sequencing and assembly.
    NCBI BioProject number: PRJNA549051
  7. Olah G (2019) Anthochaera phrygia blood sample from the Blue Mountains N046_2332.
    NCBI BioSample number: SAMN12070213. TaxID: 2020318.

Magazine Articles

  1. Olah G (2020) Tambopata – trópusi paradicsom az arany árnyékában 5. A vadvilág hirvivői [Tambopata – A tropical paradise in the shadow of gold 5. The wildlife messengers]. Élet és Tudomány [Life and Science] 75(33):1033–1035. | PDF | English
  2. Olah G (2020) Tambopata – trópusi paradicsom az arany árnyékában 4. Filmekkel a természet védelmében [Tambopata – A tropical paradise in the shadow of gold 4. Films for conservation]. Élet és Tudomány [Life and Science] 75(31):972–974. | PDF | English
  3. Olah G (2020) Tambopata – trópusi paradicsom az arany árnyékában 3. Aranymosás erdőirtással [Tambopata – A tropical paradise in the shadow of gold 3. Gold-mining with deforestation]. Élet és Tudomány [Life and Science] 75(29):910–912. | PDF | English
  4. Olah G (2020) Tambopata – trópusi paradicsom az arany árnyékában 2. A kutatás és az ökoturizmus kibontakozása [Tambopata – A tropical paradise in the shadow of gold 2. Development of research and ecotourism]. Élet és Tudomány [Life and Science] 75(27):847–849. | PDF | English
  5. Olah G (2020) Tambopata – trópusi paradicsom az arany árnyékában 1. Az érintetlenek földjén [Tambopata – A tropical paradise in the shadow of gold 1. In the land of the uncontacted people]. Élet és Tudomány [Life and Science] 75(25):778–780. | PDF | English
  6. Korsós Z, Garai C, Olah G (2016) Kutatóállomás az őserdőben 2: Amazonasi menedékhely [Research center in the rainforest 2: Refugio Amazonas]. Állatvilág [Wildlife] 3(2):12–15. | PDF
  7. Korsós Z, Garai C, Olah G (2016) Kutatóállomás az őserdőben: Papagájok és majmok között [Research center in the rainforest: Among parrots and monkeys]. Állatvilág [Wildlife] 3(1):16–19. | PDF
  8. Ortiz MG, Valdés Péña R, Olah G, Morgan L (2007) Mexico’s Maroon-fronted Parrot. PsittaScene 19(3):3–5. | PDF
  9. Olah G (2007) Mexikói terepmunka barnahomlokú fenyőpapagájokkal [Maroon-fronted parrot field research in Mexico]. A Földgömb [The Earth] 25(5):44–51. | PDF
  10. Olah G (2007) Papagájkutatás Argentínában: Kékhomlokú amazonok földjén [Parrot research in Argentina: In the land of the Blue-fronted parrots]. Élet és Tudomány [Life and Science] 62(4):116–119. | PDF
  11. Olah G (2007) Az Európai Unió állandósította a vadmadarak importálásának tilalmát [The European Union permanently bans imports of wild birds]. Élet és Tudomány [Life and Science] 62(4):119. | PDF


  1. Olah G, Vigo G, Brightsmith D, Stronza A (2020) Final Report for the Fundraising Campaign: Helping Peru’s Ese’eja Native Community of Infierno during the COVID-19 pandemic. Wildlife Messengers, Richmond, VA, USA, 21pp. | PDF
  2. Olah G and Martinez R (2018) Aproximación a la ecología y paisaje del Parque Nacional Bahuaja-Sonene – Informe Final para SERNANP [Landscape and ecology approach to the Bahuaja-Sonene National Park – Final Report to SERNANP]. Lima, Peru, 20pp.
  3. Olah G and Martinez R (2017) Aproximación a la ecología y paisaje de la Reserva Nacional Tambopata – Informe Final para SERNANP [Landscape and ecology approach to the Tambopata National Reserve – Final Report to SERNANP]. Lima, Peru, 25pp.
  4. Brightsmith D, Olah G, Vigo G, Martinez G, Ortiz L, Hoppes S, and Susanibar D (2014) Ecología alimenticia y salud de psitácidos en Madre de Dios – Perú: Informe anual para el Servicio Nacional de Áreas Naturales Protegidas por el Estado [Foraging ecology and health of parrots in Madre de Dios, Peru: Annual report to SERNANP]. Peru, 22pp. | PDF
  5. Brightsmith D, Olah G, Vigo G, Martinez G, Hoppes S, and Susanibar D (2013) Ecología alimenticia y salud de psitácidos en Madre de Dios – Perú: Informe anual para el Servicio Nacional de Áreas Naturales Protegidas por el Estado [Foraging ecology and health of parrots in Madre de Dios, Peru: Annual report to SERNANP]. Peru, 23pp. | PDF
  6. Brightsmith D, Olah G, Vigo G, Martinez G, Hoppes S, and Susanibar D (2012) Ecología alimenticia y salud de psitácidos en Madre de Dios – Perú: Informe anual para el Servicio Nacional de Áreas Naturales Protegidas por el Estado [Foraging ecology and health of parrots in Madre de Dios, Peru: Annual report to SERNANP]. Peru, 28pp. | PDF
  7. Brightsmith D, Martinez G, Olah G, Vigo G, Hoppes S, Susanibar D, and Ortiz L (2011) Ecología alimenticia y salud de psitácidos en Madre de Dios, Perú: Informe anual para el Servicio Nacional de Áreas Naturales Protegidas por el Estado [Foraging ecology and health of parrots in Madre de Dios, Peru: Annual report to SERNANP]. Peru, 34pp. | PDF
  8. Brightsmith D, Martinez G, Olah G, Takano F, Gish E, Vigo G, and Ortiz L (2011) Ecología reproductiva y uso de colpas de guacamayos en Madre de Dios: Informe anual para el Servicio Nacional de Áreas Naturales Protegidas por el Estado [Reproductive ecology and clay lick use of macaws in Madre de Dios: Annual report to SERNANP]. Peru, 55pp. | PDF
  9. Brightsmith D, Ortiz L, Martinez G, Olah G, Heatley J, and Hoppes S (2010) Ecología alimenticia y salud de psitácidos en Madre de Dios – Perú: Informe anual al Servicio Nacional de Áreas Naturales Protegidas por el Estado [Foraging ecology and health of parrots in Madre de Dios, Peru: Annual report to SERNANP]. Peru, 43pp. | PDF
  10. Brightsmith D, Vigo G, Olah G, and Ortiz L (2010) Ecología reproductiva y uso de colpas de guacamayos en Madre de Dios: Informe anual para INRENA [Reproductive ecology and clay lick use of macaws in Madre de Dios: Annual report to INRENA]. Peru, 66pp. | PDF
  11. Brightsmith D, Vigo G, Olah G, Zumarán J, and Ortiz L (2009) Ecología reproductiva y uso de colpas de guacamayos en Madre de Dios: Informe anual a INRENA [Reproductive ecology and clay lick use of macaws in Madre de Dios: Annual report to INRENA]. Peru, 58pp. | PDF

Video Abstracts

I translated my latest peer-reviewed papers into video abstracts to help the better understanding of scientific studies to the general public: